Iwona Pinkowicz

What makes black and white photography so important to you?
Black and white photography plays a big part in my creativity as a street photographer. Even though I shoot in both black and white and colour I often choose the former to emphasise the emotions of the subject or highlight the beautiful light, shadows and shapes that cities provide. Removing distractions that colour can sometimes bring into an image allows the viewer to focus on the subject more. Without the choice of shooting in black and white, I wouldn’t always be able to highlight what it was that trigged me to press the shutter and capture a specific scene or subject.
What inspires you to create photographs?
People! I love people and being around them; this is why I fell in love with street photography from the moment I stepped out on my first photo walk. Being able to capture life around me is a wonderful thing; it gives me purpose in life. I hope that future generations will review my work and learn more about the time we live in now.
Why is black and white photography so important to our future in the art world?
Even though colour photography has become more accessible than ever before, I believe it is still crucial to shoot in black and white. Nothing will replace the classic and timeless look and feel of black and white photographs. As we all see the world in colour, creating black and white imagery gives us a chance to see the world in a different way.