Jamie MacDonald


What makes black and white photography so important to you? 

Black and White photography is important to me because it makes me focus on ALL the components of an image. I see light, texture,shape and patterns more easily when I am not distracted by layers of color.

What inspires you to create photographs? 

Life is too damn short! And so many people rush through every day to make it to the next and never slow down enough to be amazed and the world they pass by. It is my drive to create images from those moments many would rush through, show I can show them why they need to slow down and enjoy this brief ride through life.

Why is black and white photography so important to our future in the art world? 

Black and White photography is important to our future in the art world because as technology advances it will become too easy to get lost in the world of brilliant colors and 3d shapes and miss out of the things that make black and white photography so beautiful. Those things being: Light as the subject, texture and shape to create a sense of feel, and contrasts and patterns to evoke visual stimulation. I think too much “hi-def and 3d color” will eventually numb our senses and make us less in tune to simple beauty.
