Leading lines: they’re one of the first things that every photographer learns about when it comes to shooting images in school. If you learned online and without format training, then you probably studied the rule of thirds first. But when you’re looking at a photo, one of the best ways ro artfully create an image that photographers have traditionally been taught is by using leading lines. Call it a rule that needs to be broken, it’s still a very effective one that when done correctly, can trump pretty much any other rule out there with the exception of using text in an image. For many years, black and white photography was the way to go. But when color came around, things changed quite a bit.So let’s explore leading lines and black and white photography.
An inspiring documentation of the monochrome lifestyle
Tagged lines
Pietro Bevilacqua: An Attraction to Forms and Their Union
“It was like getting reborn!” says photographer Pietro Bevilacqua about his photographic journey…
Mastering the Art of Black and White Urban Geometry Photography (Premium)
Urban Geometry is founded on the ideas of Bresson. But to master it, you need to evolve as a photographer and an artist.